Ely Media Productions

 We are a creative marketing agency that specializes in video and photo production. From planning to execution we have a wide range of tools, resources and skills at our disposal.

Austin Ely

Filmmaker, Director, Editor

Producing films and photos has been a passion of mine since I was a little kid and as I grew older it’s turned into a profession. I worked in the luxury hospitality industry for many years and decided to make the leap of faith in starting my own Arizona production company in 2015. The 5 Diamond service standards I obtained while in the industry transferred with me over to my new one and now after years of working my dream job I’ve had the opportunity to serve 100’s of satisfied clients.

The chance to learn about someone or something new and share that story through a cinematic process is what I live for. I only want to create films that are beautiful, that will stand the test of time and that will make an impact on the people that watch them. I moved to Arizona from Toronto, Canada with my parents and 3 brothers back in 2005. I’ve fallen in love with beautiful state and have no plans to leave. I am married to my beautiful wife Laurel and we have an amazing daughter Aubrey.

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